week by week
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week by week
I fully understand the usfl is down the line of things, but is any thoughts to doing a week by week match ups and or team pages thanks for all the hard work and efforts on this site. lots of games are on youtube
KG- Posts : 583
Join date : 2011-06-14
Location : Minnesota
Re: week by week
Not at this time.
But never say never.
But never say never.
Bill Schaefer- Posts : 1296
Join date : 2011-06-11
Age : 52
Location : Bradenton, FL
Re: week by week
Okay, on a trial basis I have added week-by-week info for all three years for the Bandits.
This is not to say there is any plan to do all of the rest of the teams at any particular time, but if you have anything to add or any other teams week-by-week tracking, or can fill in the holes (with proof) for any of the missing Bandits games, feel free to add them to this thread.
1983 games:
Week 1
New Jersey (white/white) at Los Angeles (blue/silver)
Chicago (red/silver) at Washington (white/white)
Philadelphia (white/gold) at Denver (black/gold)
Michigan (white/champaign/silver helmets) at Birmingham (red/gold)
Boston (white/silver) at Tampa Bay (red/silver)
Oakland (blue/yellow) at Arizona (white/yellow)
Week 2
New Jersey (white/white) at Philadelphia (red/gold)
Chicago (red/silver) at Arizona (white/yellow)
Michigan (white/cham./silver helmets) at Tampa Bay (red/silver)
Week 3
Denver (white/gold) at Chicago (red/silver) (in the snow)
Tampa Bay (white/silver) at New Jersey (red/white)
Washington (white/white) at Boston (blue/silver)
Oakland (white/white) at Michigan (maroon/champagne/silver helmets?)
Week 4
Arizona (white/gold) at Birmingham (red/gold)
Oakland (white/white) at Denver (black/gold)
Los Angeles (white/silver) at Chicago (red/silver)
Boston (white/silver) at New Jersey (red/white)
Michigan (maroon/champaign) at Washington (white/white)
Tampa Bay (white/silver) at Philadelphia (red/gold)
Week 5
Birmingham (white/gold) at Boston (blue/silver)
Oakland (white/yellow) at Los Angeles (blue/silver)
Denver (white/gold) at Michigan (maroon/champagne)
Washington (white/white) at Phialdelphia (red/gold)
Chicago (white/silver) at Tampa Bay (red/silver)
New Jersey (red/white) at Arizona (white/yellow)
Week 6
Philadelphia (white/gold) at Los Angeles (blue/silver)
Michigan (white/champaign) at New Jersey (red/white)
Oakland (white/yellow) at Boston (blue/silver)
Birmingham (white/gold) at Chicago (red/silver)
Tampa Bay (white/silver) at Denver (black/gold)
Arizona (blue/gold) at Washington (white/white)
Week 7
Chicago (white/silver) at Michigan (maroon/champagne)
Washington (white/white) at New Jersey (red/white)
Denver (white/gold) at Birmingham (red/gold)
Los Angeles (white/silver) at Tampa Bay (red/silver)
Boston (white/silver) at Arizona (blue/yellow)
Philadelphia (white/gold) at Oakland (blue/yellow)
Week 8
Oakland (white/yellow) at Birmingham (red/gold)
Los Angeles (white/silver) at Michigan (maroon/champagne)
New Jersey (white/white) at Chicago (red/silver)
Denver (white/gold) at Arizona (blue/yellow)
Boston (white/silver) at Philadelphia (red/gold)
Tampa Bay (white/silver) at Washington (green/white)
Week 9
Philadelphia (white/gold) at Tampa Bay (red/silver)
New Jersey (white/white) at Denver (black/gold)
Chicago (white/silver) at Los Angeles (blue/silver)
Birmingham (white/gold) at Washington (green/white)
Arizona (white/yellow) at Oakland (blue/white)
Michigan (white/champaign) at Boston (blue/silver)
Week 10
Washington (white/white) at Chicago (red/silver)
Tampa Bay (white/silver) at Oakland (blue/yellow)
Birmingham (white/gold) at New Jersey (red/white)
Denver (white/gold) at Philadelphia (red/gold)
Michigan (white/champaign) at Arizona (blue/yellow)
Boston (white/silver) at Los Angeles (blue/silver)
Week 11
Los Angeles (white/silver) at Birmingham (red/gold)
New Jersey (white/white) at Michigan (maroon/champagne)
Washington (white/white) at Oakland (blue/white)
Denver (white/gold) at Boston (blue/silver)
Arizona (blue/yellow) at Tampa Bay (white/silver)
Chicago (white/silver) at Philadelphia (red/gold)
Week 12
Oakland (white/white) at Tampa Bay (red/silver)
Boston (white/silver) at Washington (green/white)
Chicago (white/silver) at New Jersey (red/white)
Philadelphia (red/gold) at Arizona (white/yellow)
Los Angeles (white/silver) at Denver (black/gold)
Birmingham (white/gold) at Michigan (maroon/champagne)
Week 13
Tampa Bay (white/silver) at Michigan (maroon/champagne)
New Jersey (white/white) at Washington (green/white)
Philadelphia (red/gold) at Boston (white/silver)
Arizona (white/yellow) at Chicago (red/silver)
Los Angeles (white/silver) at Oakland (blue/yellow)
Birmingham (white/gold) at Denver (black/gold)
Week 14
New Jersey (white/white) at Oakland (blue/yellow)
Michigan (white/champaign) at Philadelphia (red/gold)
Birmingham (red/gold) at Tampa Bay (white/silver)
Arizona (white/yellow) at Los Angeles (blue/silver)
Washington (white/white) at Denver (black/gold)
Chicago (red/silver) at Boston (white/silver)
Week 15
Philadelphia (white/gold) at New Jersey (red/white)
Tampa Bay (white/silver) at Chicago (red/silver)
Boston (blue/silver) at Birmingham (white/gold)
Denver (white/gold) at Oakland (blue/white)
Washington (white/white) at Arizona (blue/yellow)
Michigan (white/champaign) at Los Angeles (blue/silver)
Week 16
Los Angeles (white/silver) at New Jersey (red/white)
Arizona (white/yellow) at Denver (black/gold)
Oakland (white/white) at Philadelphia (red/gold)
Chicago (red/silver) at Birmingham (white/gold)
Washington (white/white) at Michigan (maroon/champagne)
Tampa Bay (red/silver) at Boston (white/silver)
Week 17
Michigan (white/champaign) at Chicago (red/silver)
Boston (white/silver) at Oakland (blue/yellow)
Week 18
Arizona (white/yellow) at Michigan (maroon/champagne)
New Jersey (red/white) at Boston (white/silver)
Divisional Playoffs
Oakland (white/gold) at Michigan (maroon/champagne)
Chicago (white/silver) at Philadelphia (red/gold)
USFL Championship at Denver, CO
Michigan (white/champaign) vs Philadelphia (red/gold)
1984 games:
Note on Los Angeles socks - Weeks 1-6: blue and red stripes, Week 7-Playoffs: thick navy stripes.
Note on Philadelphia & Pittsburgh - Starting with Week 6 is when the teams switched or modify their helmet logo to included the white trim in STARS and around the Mauler.
Week 1
New Jersey (white/white) at Birmingham (red/gold)
Pittsburgh (white/gray/no helmet outline) at Oklahoma (black/black)
Philadelphia (white/gold/no helmet trim) at Memphis (red/silver/no stripe on helmet)
Denver (white/gold) at Los Angeles (blue/silver/red and blue socks)
Houston (black/silver) at Tampa Bay (white/silver)
New Orleans (white/silver) at San Antonio (blue/silver)
Oakland (blue/gold) at Arizona (white/copper)
Washington (white/silver) at Jacksonville (maroon/gray)
Chicago (white/silver) at Michigan (maroon/champagne)
Week 2
New Orleans (white/silver) at Oakland (blue/yellow)
Tampa Bay (red/silver) at Arizona (white/copper)
Denver (white/gold) at Oklahoma (black/black)
New Jersey (white/white) at Jacksonville (maroon/gray)
Pittsburgh (white/gray/no helmet outline) at Michigan (maroon/champagne)
Philadelphia (white/gold/no helmet trim) at Washington (green/silver)
Chicago (white/silver) at Memphis (red/silver/stripe on helmet)
Houston (white/silver) at San Antonio (blue/silver)
Week 3
Jacksonville (white/maroon) at Tampa Bay (red/silver)
Michigan (white/champaign) at Denver (black/gold)
Memphis (white/silver/stripe on helmet) at New Orleans (blue/silver)
Philadelphia (white/gold) at New Jersey (red/white)
Week 4
New Jersey (white/white) at Houston (black/silver)
Week 5
Chicago (white/silver) at New Orleans (blue/silver)
Michigan (white/champaign) at Houston (black/silver)
Oklahoma (black/black) at Arizona (white/copper)
Jacksonville (white/maroon) at Los Angeles (blue/silver/red and blue socks)
Oakland (white/yellow) at San Antonio (blue/silver)
Denver (white/gold) at Memphis (red/silver/stripe on helmet)
Birmingham (white/white) at Tampa Bay (red/silver)
Washington (white/silver) at New Jersey (red/white)
Philadelphia (white/gold) at Pittsburgh (purple/silver) (no helmet trim either team, last week with white trim on helmet logo (?)
Week 6
New Jersey (white/white) at Los Angeles (blue/silver/red and blue socks - last game)
New Orleans (white/silver) at Birmingham (red/gold)
Oakland (white/white) at Pittsburgh (purple/silver) (white trim on helmet going forward)
Jacksonville (white/maroon) at Memphis (red/silver)
Tampa Bay (white/silver) at Philadelphia (red/gold) (trim on helmet starting this game)
Chicago (white/silver) at Washington (green/silver)
Houston (white/silver) at Oklahoma (black/black)
Arizona (white/copper) at Denver (black/gold)
San Antonio (white/silver) at Michigan (maroon/champagne)
Week 7
Pittsburgh (white/gray) at New Orleans (blue/silver)
Oakland (blue/white) at Tampa Bay (white/silver)
San Antonio (white/silver) at Chicago (red/silver)
Birmingham (red/gold) at Jacksonville (white/maroon)
Michigan (white/champaign) at Oklahoma (black/black)
Washington (white/silver) at Houston (black/silver)
Los Angeles (white/silver/thick navy stripe socks) at Denver (black/gold)
Memphis (white/silver) at New Jersey (red/white)
Philadelphia (red/gold) at Arizona (white/copper)
Week 8
Birmingham (white/white) at Michigan (maroon/champagne)
Chicago (white/silver) at Philadelphia (red/gold)
Denver (white/gold) at Pittsburgh (purple/silver)
Memphis (red/silver) at Los Angeles (white/silver)
Tampa Bay (white/silver) at New Orleans (blue/silver)
Arizona (white/copper) at New Jersey (red/white)
San Antonio (blue/silver) at Jacksonville (white/maroon)
Oklahoma (white/black) at Washington (green/silver)
Houston (white/silver) at Oakland (blue/white)
Week 9
Philadelphia (white/gold) at San Antonio (blue/silver)
Memphis (red/silver) at Jacksonville (white/maroon)
Los Angeles (white/silver) at Chicago (red/silver)
Oklahoma (white/black) at Birmingham (red/gold)
Denver (white/gold) at New Orleans (blue/silver)
Washington (white/silver) at Oakland (blue/gold)
Arizona (white/copper) at Houston (black/silver)
New Jersey (white/white) at Pittsburgh (purple/silver)
Tampa Bay (white/silver) at Michigan (maroon/champagne)
Week 10
New Orleans (white/silver) at Philadelphia (red/gold)
Birmingham (white/white) at Denver (black/gold)
San Antonio (blue/silver) at Arizona (white/copper)
Pittsburgh (white/gray) at Memphis (red/silver)
Jacksonville (white/maroon) at Oklahoma (black/black)
Michigan (white/champaign) at New Jersey (red/white)
Washington (white/silver) at Tampa Bay (red/silver)
Oakland (white/white) at Chicago (red/silver)
Los Angeles (white/silver) at Houston (black/silver)
Week 11
Tampa Bay (red/silver) at Jacksonville (white/maroon)
Pittsburgh (purple/silver) at Los Angeles (white/silver)
Arizona (white/copper) at New Orleans (blue/silver)
Chicago (white/silver) at San Antonio (blue/silver)
Philadelphia (white/gold) at Birmingham (red/gold)
Oklahoma (white/black) at New Jersey (red/white)
Memphis (white/silver) at Washington (green/silver)
Houston (white/silver) at Michigan (maroon/champagne)
Denver (white/gold) at Oakland (blue/white)
Week 12
Houston (white/silver) at Pittsburgh (purple/silver)
Week 13
New Orleans (blue/silver) at Tampa Bay (white/silver)
San Antonio (white/silver) at Washington (green/silver)
Birmingham (red/gold) at Chicago (white/silver)
Pittsburgh (white/gray) at New Jersey (red/white)
Michigan (maroon/champagne) at Los Angeles (white/silver)
Denver (black/white) at Arizona (white/copper)
Jacksonville (white/maroon) at Philadelphia (red/gold)
Oklahoma (white/black) at Houston (black/silver)
Memphis (white/silver) at Oakland (blue/white)
Week 14
Tampa Bay (white/silver) at Memphis (red/silver)
Houston (black/silver) at Jacksonville (white/silver)
Denver (white/gold) at San Antonio (blue/silver)
New Jersey (red/white) at Chicago (white/silver)
Washington (white/silver) at Pittsburgh (purple/silver)
Oakland (white/white) at Oklahoma (black/black)
Philadelphia (white/gold) at Michigan (maroon/champagne)
Birmingham (white/white) at New Orleans (blue/silver)
Arizona (white/copper) at Los Angeles (blue/silver)
Week 15
Chicago (red/silver) at Oklahoma (black/black) (only USFL color-vs-color game)
Houston (white/silver) at Denver (black/gold)
New Orleans (white/silver) at Memphis (red/silver)
Arizona (white/copper) at Birmingham (red/gold)
Jacksonville (white/silver) at Oakland (blue/white)
New Jersey (red/white) at Tampa Bay (white/silver)
Michigan (maroon/champagne) at San Antonio (white/silver)
Los Angeles (white/silver) at Washington (green/silver)
Pittsburgh (white/gray) at Philadelphia (red/gold)
Week 16
New Orleans (white/silver) at New Jersey (red/white)
Chicago (white/silver) at Houston (black/silver)
Michigan (white/champaign) at Oakland (blue/white)
Week 17
Denver (white/gold) at New Jersey (red/white)
Washington (white/silver) at Philadelphia (red/gold)
Arizona (white/copper) at Chicago (red/silver)
Oakland (white/white) at Los Angeles (blue/silver)
Jacksonville (white/maroon) at New Orleans (blue/silver)
Birmingham (white/white) at Memphis (red/silver)
Tampa Bay (white/silver) at Pittsburgh (purple/silver)
San Antonio (white/silver) at Houston (black/silver)
Oklahoma (white/black) at Michigan (maroon/champagne)
Week 18
New Orleans (white/silver) at Washington (green/silver)
Tampa Bay (red/silver) at Birmingham (white/white)
Oakland (white/white) at Denver (black/gold)
Memphis (white/silver) at Houston (black/silver)
New Jersey (white/white) at Philadelphia (red/gold)
Tampa Bay (red/silver) at Birmingham (white/white)
Arizona (white/copper) at Houston (black/silver)
Michigan (maroon/champagne) at Los Angeles (white/silver)
Birmingham (white/white) at Philadelphia (red/gold)
Los Angeles (blue/silver) at Arizona (white/copper)
USFL Championship at Tampa, FL
Arizona (white/gold) vs Philadelphia (red/gold)
1985 games:
Week 1
New Jersey (red/white) at Birmingham (white/white)
Houston (black/silver) at Los Angeles (white/silver)
Week 2
New Jersey (white/white) at Orlando (blue/white)
Los Angeles (blue/silver) at Portland (white/silver)
Arizona (white/gold) at San Antonio (blue/silver)
Denver (black/white) at Birmingham (white/white)
Houston (black/white) at Tampa Bay (white/silver)
Baltimore (white/gold) at Oakland (blue/white)
Memphis (white/silver) at Jacksonville (maroon/silver/solid socks)
Week 3
Baltimore (white/gold) at Memphis (red/silver)
Los Angeles (white/silver) at New Jersey (red/white)
Week 4
Arizona (white/gold) at Tampa Bay (red/silver)
San Antonio (white/silver) at Los Angeles (blue/silver)
Orlando (blue/white) at Portland (white/silver)
Memphis (red/silver) at Birmingham (white/white)
New Jersey (white/white) at Baltimore (red/gold)
Jacksonville (white/silver/stripe socks) at Oakland (blue/white)
Denver (white/white) at Houston (black/silver)
Week 5
Orlando (white/white) at Jacksonville (maroon/silver/solid socks)
Los Angeles (white/white) at Arizona (black/gold)
Birmingham (white/white) at Baltimore (red/gold)
Oakland (white/white) at Memphis (red/silver)
Portland (white/silver) at Houston (black/silver)
Tampa Bay (white/silver) at New Jersey (red/white)
San Antonio (white/silver) at Denver (black/white)
Week 6
New Jersey (white/white) at Arizona (black/gold)
Week 7
Jacksonville (white/maroon/stripe sox) at Tampa Bay (red/silver)
Birmingham (red/gold) at San Antonio (white/silver)
Baltimore (red/gold) at Los Angeles (white/silver)
Oakland (white/white/stripe socks) at Portland (blue/silver)
Memphis (white/silver) at Orlando (blue/white)
Houston (white/silver) at New Jersey (red/white)
Arizona (white/gold) at Denver (black/white)
Week 8
San Antonio (white/silver) at Jacksonville (maroon/silver/solid socks)
Oakland (blue/white) at Birmingham (white/white)
Memphis (white/silver) at Baltimore (red/gold)
Orlando (white/white) at Arizona (black/gold)
Portland (white/silver) at New Jersey (red/white)
Los Angeles (white/silver) at Houston (black/silver)
Denver (white/white) at Tampa Bay (red/silver)
Week 9
San Antonio (white/silver) at Oakland (blue/white)
Tampa Bay (red/silver) at Birmingham (white/white)
Week 10
Arizona (white/gold) at Oakland (blue/white)
Week 11
Tampa Bay (red/silver) at Los Angeles (white/silver)
Houston (white/silver) at Portland (blue/silver)
Week 12
Los Angeles (white/silver) at Oakland (blue/white)
Week 13
Memphis (white/silver) at Tampa Bay (red/silver)
New Jersey (white/white) at Denver (black/white)
Jacksonville (white/maroon/stripe sox) at Houston (black/silver)
Week 14
New Jersey (red/white) at Tampa Bay (white/silver)
Oakland (white/white/solid blue socks) at Denver (black/white)
Week 15
Birmingham (white/white) at Houston (black/silver)
Week 16
Orlando (blue/white) at Memphis (white/silver)
Baltimore (red/gold) at Birmingham (white/white)
Tampa Bay (white/silver) at Portland (blue/silver)
Houston (white/silver) at Denver (black/white)
Oakland (blue/white) at Arizona (white/gold)
Jacksonville (white/silver/solid socks) at New Jersey (red/white)
Week 17
New Jersey (white/white) at Oakland (blue/white)
Jacksonville (white/silver) at Memphis (red/silver)
San Antonio (white/silver) at Houston (black/silver)
Week 18
Arizona (black/gold) at Memphis (white/silver)
Oakland (white/white/solid blue socks) at Houston (black/silver)
Los Angeles (white/silver) at Orlando (blue/white)
Tampa Bay (white/silver) at Oakland (blue/white)
Houston (black/silver) at Birmingham (white/white)
Denver (black/white) at Memphis (white/silver)
Oakland (blue/white) at Memphis (white/silver)
Baltimore (red/gold) at Birmingham (white/white)
USFL Championship at East Rutherford, NJ
Oakland (blue/white) vs Baltimore (white/gold)
This is not to say there is any plan to do all of the rest of the teams at any particular time, but if you have anything to add or any other teams week-by-week tracking, or can fill in the holes (with proof) for any of the missing Bandits games, feel free to add them to this thread.
1983 games:
Week 1
New Jersey (white/white) at Los Angeles (blue/silver)
Chicago (red/silver) at Washington (white/white)
Philadelphia (white/gold) at Denver (black/gold)
Michigan (white/champaign/silver helmets) at Birmingham (red/gold)
Boston (white/silver) at Tampa Bay (red/silver)
Oakland (blue/yellow) at Arizona (white/yellow)
Week 2
New Jersey (white/white) at Philadelphia (red/gold)
Chicago (red/silver) at Arizona (white/yellow)
Michigan (white/cham./silver helmets) at Tampa Bay (red/silver)
Week 3
Denver (white/gold) at Chicago (red/silver) (in the snow)
Tampa Bay (white/silver) at New Jersey (red/white)
Washington (white/white) at Boston (blue/silver)
Oakland (white/white) at Michigan (maroon/champagne/silver helmets?)
Week 4
Arizona (white/gold) at Birmingham (red/gold)
Oakland (white/white) at Denver (black/gold)
Los Angeles (white/silver) at Chicago (red/silver)
Boston (white/silver) at New Jersey (red/white)
Michigan (maroon/champaign) at Washington (white/white)
Tampa Bay (white/silver) at Philadelphia (red/gold)
Week 5
Birmingham (white/gold) at Boston (blue/silver)
Oakland (white/yellow) at Los Angeles (blue/silver)
Denver (white/gold) at Michigan (maroon/champagne)
Washington (white/white) at Phialdelphia (red/gold)
Chicago (white/silver) at Tampa Bay (red/silver)
New Jersey (red/white) at Arizona (white/yellow)
Week 6
Philadelphia (white/gold) at Los Angeles (blue/silver)
Michigan (white/champaign) at New Jersey (red/white)
Oakland (white/yellow) at Boston (blue/silver)
Birmingham (white/gold) at Chicago (red/silver)
Tampa Bay (white/silver) at Denver (black/gold)
Arizona (blue/gold) at Washington (white/white)
Week 7
Chicago (white/silver) at Michigan (maroon/champagne)
Washington (white/white) at New Jersey (red/white)
Denver (white/gold) at Birmingham (red/gold)
Los Angeles (white/silver) at Tampa Bay (red/silver)
Boston (white/silver) at Arizona (blue/yellow)
Philadelphia (white/gold) at Oakland (blue/yellow)
Week 8
Oakland (white/yellow) at Birmingham (red/gold)
Los Angeles (white/silver) at Michigan (maroon/champagne)
New Jersey (white/white) at Chicago (red/silver)
Denver (white/gold) at Arizona (blue/yellow)
Boston (white/silver) at Philadelphia (red/gold)
Tampa Bay (white/silver) at Washington (green/white)
Week 9
Philadelphia (white/gold) at Tampa Bay (red/silver)
New Jersey (white/white) at Denver (black/gold)
Chicago (white/silver) at Los Angeles (blue/silver)
Birmingham (white/gold) at Washington (green/white)
Arizona (white/yellow) at Oakland (blue/white)
Michigan (white/champaign) at Boston (blue/silver)
Week 10
Washington (white/white) at Chicago (red/silver)
Tampa Bay (white/silver) at Oakland (blue/yellow)
Birmingham (white/gold) at New Jersey (red/white)
Denver (white/gold) at Philadelphia (red/gold)
Michigan (white/champaign) at Arizona (blue/yellow)
Boston (white/silver) at Los Angeles (blue/silver)
Week 11
Los Angeles (white/silver) at Birmingham (red/gold)
New Jersey (white/white) at Michigan (maroon/champagne)
Washington (white/white) at Oakland (blue/white)
Denver (white/gold) at Boston (blue/silver)
Arizona (blue/yellow) at Tampa Bay (white/silver)
Chicago (white/silver) at Philadelphia (red/gold)
Week 12
Oakland (white/white) at Tampa Bay (red/silver)
Boston (white/silver) at Washington (green/white)
Chicago (white/silver) at New Jersey (red/white)
Philadelphia (red/gold) at Arizona (white/yellow)
Los Angeles (white/silver) at Denver (black/gold)
Birmingham (white/gold) at Michigan (maroon/champagne)
Week 13
Tampa Bay (white/silver) at Michigan (maroon/champagne)
New Jersey (white/white) at Washington (green/white)
Philadelphia (red/gold) at Boston (white/silver)
Arizona (white/yellow) at Chicago (red/silver)
Los Angeles (white/silver) at Oakland (blue/yellow)
Birmingham (white/gold) at Denver (black/gold)
Week 14
New Jersey (white/white) at Oakland (blue/yellow)
Michigan (white/champaign) at Philadelphia (red/gold)
Birmingham (red/gold) at Tampa Bay (white/silver)
Arizona (white/yellow) at Los Angeles (blue/silver)
Washington (white/white) at Denver (black/gold)
Chicago (red/silver) at Boston (white/silver)
Week 15
Philadelphia (white/gold) at New Jersey (red/white)
Tampa Bay (white/silver) at Chicago (red/silver)
Boston (blue/silver) at Birmingham (white/gold)
Denver (white/gold) at Oakland (blue/white)
Washington (white/white) at Arizona (blue/yellow)
Michigan (white/champaign) at Los Angeles (blue/silver)
Week 16
Los Angeles (white/silver) at New Jersey (red/white)
Arizona (white/yellow) at Denver (black/gold)
Oakland (white/white) at Philadelphia (red/gold)
Chicago (red/silver) at Birmingham (white/gold)
Washington (white/white) at Michigan (maroon/champagne)
Tampa Bay (red/silver) at Boston (white/silver)
Week 17
Michigan (white/champaign) at Chicago (red/silver)
Boston (white/silver) at Oakland (blue/yellow)
Week 18
Arizona (white/yellow) at Michigan (maroon/champagne)
New Jersey (red/white) at Boston (white/silver)
Divisional Playoffs
Oakland (white/gold) at Michigan (maroon/champagne)
Chicago (white/silver) at Philadelphia (red/gold)
USFL Championship at Denver, CO
Michigan (white/champaign) vs Philadelphia (red/gold)
1984 games:
Note on Los Angeles socks - Weeks 1-6: blue and red stripes, Week 7-Playoffs: thick navy stripes.
Note on Philadelphia & Pittsburgh - Starting with Week 6 is when the teams switched or modify their helmet logo to included the white trim in STARS and around the Mauler.
Week 1
New Jersey (white/white) at Birmingham (red/gold)
Pittsburgh (white/gray/no helmet outline) at Oklahoma (black/black)
Philadelphia (white/gold/no helmet trim) at Memphis (red/silver/no stripe on helmet)
Denver (white/gold) at Los Angeles (blue/silver/red and blue socks)
Houston (black/silver) at Tampa Bay (white/silver)
New Orleans (white/silver) at San Antonio (blue/silver)
Oakland (blue/gold) at Arizona (white/copper)
Washington (white/silver) at Jacksonville (maroon/gray)
Chicago (white/silver) at Michigan (maroon/champagne)
Week 2
New Orleans (white/silver) at Oakland (blue/yellow)
Tampa Bay (red/silver) at Arizona (white/copper)
Denver (white/gold) at Oklahoma (black/black)
New Jersey (white/white) at Jacksonville (maroon/gray)
Pittsburgh (white/gray/no helmet outline) at Michigan (maroon/champagne)
Philadelphia (white/gold/no helmet trim) at Washington (green/silver)
Chicago (white/silver) at Memphis (red/silver/stripe on helmet)
Houston (white/silver) at San Antonio (blue/silver)
Week 3
Jacksonville (white/maroon) at Tampa Bay (red/silver)
Michigan (white/champaign) at Denver (black/gold)
Memphis (white/silver/stripe on helmet) at New Orleans (blue/silver)
Philadelphia (white/gold) at New Jersey (red/white)
Week 4
New Jersey (white/white) at Houston (black/silver)
Week 5
Chicago (white/silver) at New Orleans (blue/silver)
Michigan (white/champaign) at Houston (black/silver)
Oklahoma (black/black) at Arizona (white/copper)
Jacksonville (white/maroon) at Los Angeles (blue/silver/red and blue socks)
Oakland (white/yellow) at San Antonio (blue/silver)
Denver (white/gold) at Memphis (red/silver/stripe on helmet)
Birmingham (white/white) at Tampa Bay (red/silver)
Washington (white/silver) at New Jersey (red/white)
Philadelphia (white/gold) at Pittsburgh (purple/silver) (no helmet trim either team, last week with white trim on helmet logo (?)
Week 6
New Jersey (white/white) at Los Angeles (blue/silver/red and blue socks - last game)
New Orleans (white/silver) at Birmingham (red/gold)
Oakland (white/white) at Pittsburgh (purple/silver) (white trim on helmet going forward)
Jacksonville (white/maroon) at Memphis (red/silver)
Tampa Bay (white/silver) at Philadelphia (red/gold) (trim on helmet starting this game)
Chicago (white/silver) at Washington (green/silver)
Houston (white/silver) at Oklahoma (black/black)
Arizona (white/copper) at Denver (black/gold)
San Antonio (white/silver) at Michigan (maroon/champagne)
Week 7
Pittsburgh (white/gray) at New Orleans (blue/silver)
Oakland (blue/white) at Tampa Bay (white/silver)
San Antonio (white/silver) at Chicago (red/silver)
Birmingham (red/gold) at Jacksonville (white/maroon)
Michigan (white/champaign) at Oklahoma (black/black)
Washington (white/silver) at Houston (black/silver)
Los Angeles (white/silver/thick navy stripe socks) at Denver (black/gold)
Memphis (white/silver) at New Jersey (red/white)
Philadelphia (red/gold) at Arizona (white/copper)
Week 8
Birmingham (white/white) at Michigan (maroon/champagne)
Chicago (white/silver) at Philadelphia (red/gold)
Denver (white/gold) at Pittsburgh (purple/silver)
Memphis (red/silver) at Los Angeles (white/silver)
Tampa Bay (white/silver) at New Orleans (blue/silver)
Arizona (white/copper) at New Jersey (red/white)
San Antonio (blue/silver) at Jacksonville (white/maroon)
Oklahoma (white/black) at Washington (green/silver)
Houston (white/silver) at Oakland (blue/white)
Week 9
Philadelphia (white/gold) at San Antonio (blue/silver)
Memphis (red/silver) at Jacksonville (white/maroon)
Los Angeles (white/silver) at Chicago (red/silver)
Oklahoma (white/black) at Birmingham (red/gold)
Denver (white/gold) at New Orleans (blue/silver)
Washington (white/silver) at Oakland (blue/gold)
Arizona (white/copper) at Houston (black/silver)
New Jersey (white/white) at Pittsburgh (purple/silver)
Tampa Bay (white/silver) at Michigan (maroon/champagne)
Week 10
New Orleans (white/silver) at Philadelphia (red/gold)
Birmingham (white/white) at Denver (black/gold)
San Antonio (blue/silver) at Arizona (white/copper)
Pittsburgh (white/gray) at Memphis (red/silver)
Jacksonville (white/maroon) at Oklahoma (black/black)
Michigan (white/champaign) at New Jersey (red/white)
Washington (white/silver) at Tampa Bay (red/silver)
Oakland (white/white) at Chicago (red/silver)
Los Angeles (white/silver) at Houston (black/silver)
Week 11
Tampa Bay (red/silver) at Jacksonville (white/maroon)
Pittsburgh (purple/silver) at Los Angeles (white/silver)
Arizona (white/copper) at New Orleans (blue/silver)
Chicago (white/silver) at San Antonio (blue/silver)
Philadelphia (white/gold) at Birmingham (red/gold)
Oklahoma (white/black) at New Jersey (red/white)
Memphis (white/silver) at Washington (green/silver)
Houston (white/silver) at Michigan (maroon/champagne)
Denver (white/gold) at Oakland (blue/white)
Week 12
Houston (white/silver) at Pittsburgh (purple/silver)
Week 13
New Orleans (blue/silver) at Tampa Bay (white/silver)
San Antonio (white/silver) at Washington (green/silver)
Birmingham (red/gold) at Chicago (white/silver)
Pittsburgh (white/gray) at New Jersey (red/white)
Michigan (maroon/champagne) at Los Angeles (white/silver)
Denver (black/white) at Arizona (white/copper)
Jacksonville (white/maroon) at Philadelphia (red/gold)
Oklahoma (white/black) at Houston (black/silver)
Memphis (white/silver) at Oakland (blue/white)
Week 14
Tampa Bay (white/silver) at Memphis (red/silver)
Houston (black/silver) at Jacksonville (white/silver)
Denver (white/gold) at San Antonio (blue/silver)
New Jersey (red/white) at Chicago (white/silver)
Washington (white/silver) at Pittsburgh (purple/silver)
Oakland (white/white) at Oklahoma (black/black)
Philadelphia (white/gold) at Michigan (maroon/champagne)
Birmingham (white/white) at New Orleans (blue/silver)
Arizona (white/copper) at Los Angeles (blue/silver)
Week 15
Chicago (red/silver) at Oklahoma (black/black) (only USFL color-vs-color game)
Houston (white/silver) at Denver (black/gold)
New Orleans (white/silver) at Memphis (red/silver)
Arizona (white/copper) at Birmingham (red/gold)
Jacksonville (white/silver) at Oakland (blue/white)
New Jersey (red/white) at Tampa Bay (white/silver)
Michigan (maroon/champagne) at San Antonio (white/silver)
Los Angeles (white/silver) at Washington (green/silver)
Pittsburgh (white/gray) at Philadelphia (red/gold)
Week 16
New Orleans (white/silver) at New Jersey (red/white)
Chicago (white/silver) at Houston (black/silver)
Michigan (white/champaign) at Oakland (blue/white)
Week 17
Denver (white/gold) at New Jersey (red/white)
Washington (white/silver) at Philadelphia (red/gold)
Arizona (white/copper) at Chicago (red/silver)
Oakland (white/white) at Los Angeles (blue/silver)
Jacksonville (white/maroon) at New Orleans (blue/silver)
Birmingham (white/white) at Memphis (red/silver)
Tampa Bay (white/silver) at Pittsburgh (purple/silver)
San Antonio (white/silver) at Houston (black/silver)
Oklahoma (white/black) at Michigan (maroon/champagne)
Week 18
New Orleans (white/silver) at Washington (green/silver)
Tampa Bay (red/silver) at Birmingham (white/white)
Oakland (white/white) at Denver (black/gold)
Memphis (white/silver) at Houston (black/silver)
New Jersey (white/white) at Philadelphia (red/gold)
Tampa Bay (red/silver) at Birmingham (white/white)
Arizona (white/copper) at Houston (black/silver)
Michigan (maroon/champagne) at Los Angeles (white/silver)
Birmingham (white/white) at Philadelphia (red/gold)
Los Angeles (blue/silver) at Arizona (white/copper)
USFL Championship at Tampa, FL
Arizona (white/gold) vs Philadelphia (red/gold)
1985 games:
Week 1
New Jersey (red/white) at Birmingham (white/white)
Houston (black/silver) at Los Angeles (white/silver)
Week 2
New Jersey (white/white) at Orlando (blue/white)
Los Angeles (blue/silver) at Portland (white/silver)
Arizona (white/gold) at San Antonio (blue/silver)
Denver (black/white) at Birmingham (white/white)
Houston (black/white) at Tampa Bay (white/silver)
Baltimore (white/gold) at Oakland (blue/white)
Memphis (white/silver) at Jacksonville (maroon/silver/solid socks)
Week 3
Baltimore (white/gold) at Memphis (red/silver)
Los Angeles (white/silver) at New Jersey (red/white)
Week 4
Arizona (white/gold) at Tampa Bay (red/silver)
San Antonio (white/silver) at Los Angeles (blue/silver)
Orlando (blue/white) at Portland (white/silver)
Memphis (red/silver) at Birmingham (white/white)
New Jersey (white/white) at Baltimore (red/gold)
Jacksonville (white/silver/stripe socks) at Oakland (blue/white)
Denver (white/white) at Houston (black/silver)
Week 5
Orlando (white/white) at Jacksonville (maroon/silver/solid socks)
Los Angeles (white/white) at Arizona (black/gold)
Birmingham (white/white) at Baltimore (red/gold)
Oakland (white/white) at Memphis (red/silver)
Portland (white/silver) at Houston (black/silver)
Tampa Bay (white/silver) at New Jersey (red/white)
San Antonio (white/silver) at Denver (black/white)
Week 6
New Jersey (white/white) at Arizona (black/gold)
Week 7
Jacksonville (white/maroon/stripe sox) at Tampa Bay (red/silver)
Birmingham (red/gold) at San Antonio (white/silver)
Baltimore (red/gold) at Los Angeles (white/silver)
Oakland (white/white/stripe socks) at Portland (blue/silver)
Memphis (white/silver) at Orlando (blue/white)
Houston (white/silver) at New Jersey (red/white)
Arizona (white/gold) at Denver (black/white)
Week 8
San Antonio (white/silver) at Jacksonville (maroon/silver/solid socks)
Oakland (blue/white) at Birmingham (white/white)
Memphis (white/silver) at Baltimore (red/gold)
Orlando (white/white) at Arizona (black/gold)
Portland (white/silver) at New Jersey (red/white)
Los Angeles (white/silver) at Houston (black/silver)
Denver (white/white) at Tampa Bay (red/silver)
Week 9
San Antonio (white/silver) at Oakland (blue/white)
Tampa Bay (red/silver) at Birmingham (white/white)
Week 10
Arizona (white/gold) at Oakland (blue/white)
Week 11
Tampa Bay (red/silver) at Los Angeles (white/silver)
Houston (white/silver) at Portland (blue/silver)
Week 12
Los Angeles (white/silver) at Oakland (blue/white)
Week 13
Memphis (white/silver) at Tampa Bay (red/silver)
New Jersey (white/white) at Denver (black/white)
Jacksonville (white/maroon/stripe sox) at Houston (black/silver)
Week 14
New Jersey (red/white) at Tampa Bay (white/silver)
Oakland (white/white/solid blue socks) at Denver (black/white)
Week 15
Birmingham (white/white) at Houston (black/silver)
Week 16
Orlando (blue/white) at Memphis (white/silver)
Baltimore (red/gold) at Birmingham (white/white)
Tampa Bay (white/silver) at Portland (blue/silver)
Houston (white/silver) at Denver (black/white)
Oakland (blue/white) at Arizona (white/gold)
Jacksonville (white/silver/solid socks) at New Jersey (red/white)
Week 17
New Jersey (white/white) at Oakland (blue/white)
Jacksonville (white/silver) at Memphis (red/silver)
San Antonio (white/silver) at Houston (black/silver)
Week 18
Arizona (black/gold) at Memphis (white/silver)
Oakland (white/white/solid blue socks) at Houston (black/silver)
Los Angeles (white/silver) at Orlando (blue/white)
Tampa Bay (white/silver) at Oakland (blue/white)
Houston (black/silver) at Birmingham (white/white)
Denver (black/white) at Memphis (white/silver)
Oakland (blue/white) at Memphis (white/silver)
Baltimore (red/gold) at Birmingham (white/white)
USFL Championship at East Rutherford, NJ
Oakland (blue/white) vs Baltimore (white/gold)
Last edited by Rob Holecko on Tue Jul 01, 2014 4:49 pm; edited 15 times in total
Rob Holecko- Posts : 709
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Age : 50
Re: week by week
My connection is real slow right now, so I'm having a hard time watching YouTube videos, but there's a bunch of "This Is The USFL" videos up there, that we could probably get a lot of these combos from.
Rob Holecko- Posts : 709
Join date : 2011-06-10
Age : 50
that is what I was thinking a lot of "this week in the usfl" and games on youtube.
you already have the championship game matchups with the patches
83 divisional
oak at mich white/gold vs maroon/champagne
chic at phil white/gray at red/gold
you already have the championship game matchups with the patches
83 divisional
oak at mich white/gold vs maroon/champagne
chic at phil white/gray at red/gold
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84 week 15
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7ZhW9WnVis has high lites of that weeks action include
Chicago at Oklahoma
Red vs black jerseys ( color v color)
Chicago at Oklahoma
Red vs black jerseys ( color v color)
Last edited by KG on Mon May 09, 2016 9:47 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Location : Minnesota
83 week 1
nj at la
white/white vs blue/silver
Chicago at wash
red/silver vs white/white
phil at den
white/gold vs black/gold
white/white vs blue/silver
Chicago at wash
red/silver vs white/white
phil at den
white/gold vs black/gold
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Location : Minnesota
Re: week by week
okay, well if you can transcribe as many game uniform combos as you can from YouTube videos, and put them into one list including the ones I've already got in the post above, I'll see about adding them all to the site.
Rob Holecko- Posts : 709
Join date : 2011-06-10
Age : 50
1983 week 4
Az at Birm
white/gold vd red/gold
oak at den
white/white vs black/gold
La at chic
white/gray vs red/silver
bost at nj
white/gray vs red/white
mich at wash
maroon/champ vs white/white (assuming mich has champ helmets by now)
tb at phil
white/silver vs red/gold
Az at Birm
white/gold vd red/gold
oak at den
white/white vs black/gold
La at chic
white/gray vs red/silver
bost at nj
white/gray vs red/white
mich at wash
maroon/champ vs white/white (assuming mich has champ helmets by now)
tb at phil
white/silver vs red/gold
KG- Posts : 583
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Location : Minnesota
1983 week 5
birm at bost
white/gold vs blue/gray
oak at la
white/yellow vs blue/gray
denv at mich
white/gold vs maroon/champ ( champ helmets )
wash at phil
white/white vs red/gold
chi at tb
white/silver vs red/silv
nj at az
red/white vs white/yellow
birm at bost
white/gold vs blue/gray
oak at la
white/yellow vs blue/gray
denv at mich
white/gold vs maroon/champ ( champ helmets )
wash at phil
white/white vs red/gold
chi at tb
white/silver vs red/silv
nj at az
red/white vs white/yellow
KG- Posts : 583
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Location : Minnesota
1983 week 6
phil at la
white/gold vs blue/gray
mich at nj
white/champ vs red/white
oak at bost
white/yellow vs blue/gray
birm at chic
white/gold vs red/silver
tb at den
white/silve at black/gold
az at wash
blue/yellow vs white/white
phil at la
white/gold vs blue/gray
mich at nj
white/champ vs red/white
oak at bost
white/yellow vs blue/gray
birm at chic
white/gold vs red/silver
tb at den
white/silve at black/gold
az at wash
blue/yellow vs white/white
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Location : Minnesota
1983 week 7
chic at mich
white/silver vs maroon/champ
wash at nj
white/white vs red/white
den at birm
white/gold vs red/gold
la at tb
white/gray vs red/gray
bost at az
white/gray vx blue/yellow
phil at oakl
white/gold vs blue/yellow
chic at mich
white/silver vs maroon/champ
wash at nj
white/white vs red/white
den at birm
white/gold vs red/gold
la at tb
white/gray vs red/gray
bost at az
white/gray vx blue/yellow
phil at oakl
white/gold vs blue/yellow
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Location : Minnesota
1983 week 8
oak at birm
white/yellow vs red/gold
la at mich
white/silver vs maroon/champ
nj at chi
white/white vs red/silver
den at az
white/gold vs blue yellow
bost at phil
white/gray vs red/gold
tb at wash
white/silver vs green/white
oak at birm
white/yellow vs red/gold
la at mich
white/silver vs maroon/champ
nj at chi
white/white vs red/silver
den at az
white/gold vs blue yellow
bost at phil
white/gray vs red/gold
tb at wash
white/silver vs green/white
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Location : Minnesota
1983 week 9
phil at tb
white/gold vs red/silver
nj at denv
white/whitevs black/gold
chic at la
white/silver vs blue/silver
birm at was
white/gold vs green/white
az at oak
white/yellow vs blue/white
mich at bost
white/champ vs blue/gray
phil at tb
white/gold vs red/silver
nj at denv
white/whitevs black/gold
chic at la
white/silver vs blue/silver
birm at was
white/gold vs green/white
az at oak
white/yellow vs blue/white
mich at bost
white/champ vs blue/gray
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Location : Minnesota
1983 weeks 10-13
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSpWQbfp40w week 10
wash at chic
white/white vs red/silver
tb at oak
white/silver vs blue/yellow
birm at nj
white/gold vs red/white
den at phil
white/gold vs red/gold
mich at az
white/champ vs blue/yellow
bost at la
white/gray vs blue/gray
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlQG_ugIYFY week 11
la at birm
white/silver vs red/gold
nj at mich
white/white vs maroon/champ
wash at oak
white/white vs blue/white
den at bost
whte/gold vs blue/gray
Az at tb
blue/yellow vs white/gray
chi at phi
white/gray vs red/gold
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41SeSgESTPM week 12
oak at tb
white/white vs red/silver
bost at was
white/gray vs green/white
chi at nj
white/silver vs red/white
phi at az
red/gold vs white/yellow
la at den
white/silver vs black/gold
birm at mich
white/gold vs maroo/champ
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aj-4-fFYBDU week 13
tb at mich
white/silver vs maroon/champ
nj at wash
white/white vs green/white
phil at bost
red/gold vs white/gray
Az at chic
white/yellow vs red/silver
la at oak
white/silver vs blue/yellow
birm at den
white/gold vs black/gold
wash at chic
white/white vs red/silver
tb at oak
white/silver vs blue/yellow
birm at nj
white/gold vs red/white
den at phil
white/gold vs red/gold
mich at az
white/champ vs blue/yellow
bost at la
white/gray vs blue/gray
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlQG_ugIYFY week 11
la at birm
white/silver vs red/gold
nj at mich
white/white vs maroon/champ
wash at oak
white/white vs blue/white
den at bost
whte/gold vs blue/gray
Az at tb
blue/yellow vs white/gray
chi at phi
white/gray vs red/gold
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41SeSgESTPM week 12
oak at tb
white/white vs red/silver
bost at was
white/gray vs green/white
chi at nj
white/silver vs red/white
phi at az
red/gold vs white/yellow
la at den
white/silver vs black/gold
birm at mich
white/gold vs maroo/champ
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aj-4-fFYBDU week 13
tb at mich
white/silver vs maroon/champ
nj at wash
white/white vs green/white
phil at bost
red/gold vs white/gray
Az at chic
white/yellow vs red/silver
la at oak
white/silver vs blue/yellow
birm at den
white/gold vs black/gold
KG- Posts : 583
Join date : 2011-06-14
Location : Minnesota
1983 weeks 14-16
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UWRwAUR_kE week 14
nj at oakl
white/white vs blue/yellow
mich at phil
white/champ vs red/gold
birm at tb
red/gold vs white/silver
az at la
white/yellow vs blue/silver
wash at den
white/white vs black/gold
chic at bost
red/silver vs white/gray
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKigZOMj9Yo week 15
phil at nj
white/gold vs red/white
tb at chic
white/silver vs red/silver
bost at birm
blue/gray vs white/gold
den at oakl
white gold vs blue/white
wash at az
white/white vs blue/yellow
mich at la
white/champ vs blue/silver
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JeftEt-xBmc week 16
la at nj
white/silver vs red/white
az at den
white/yellow vs black gold
oak at phil
white/white vs red/gold
chic at birm
red/silver vs white/gold
wash at mich
white/white vs maroon/champ
tb at bost
red/silver vs white/gray
nj at oakl
white/white vs blue/yellow
mich at phil
white/champ vs red/gold
birm at tb
red/gold vs white/silver
az at la
white/yellow vs blue/silver
wash at den
white/white vs black/gold
chic at bost
red/silver vs white/gray
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKigZOMj9Yo week 15
phil at nj
white/gold vs red/white
tb at chic
white/silver vs red/silver
bost at birm
blue/gray vs white/gold
den at oakl
white gold vs blue/white
wash at az
white/white vs blue/yellow
mich at la
white/champ vs blue/silver
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JeftEt-xBmc week 16
la at nj
white/silver vs red/white
az at den
white/yellow vs black gold
oak at phil
white/white vs red/gold
chic at birm
red/silver vs white/gold
wash at mich
white/white vs maroon/champ
tb at bost
red/silver vs white/gray
KG- Posts : 583
Join date : 2011-06-14
Location : Minnesota
1983 Espn usfl big plays week 1
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgw2eIoe5JM week 1
chic at wash
red/silver vs white/white
nj at la
white/white vs blue sliver
phil at denv
white/gold v black gold
mich at birm
white/ champ (Silver helmets) vs red/gold
bost at tb
white/gray vs red/silver
oak at az
blue/yellow vs white/yellow
chic at wash
red/silver vs white/white
nj at la
white/white vs blue sliver
phil at denv
white/gold v black gold
mich at birm
white/ champ (Silver helmets) vs red/gold
bost at tb
white/gray vs red/silver
oak at az
blue/yellow vs white/yellow
KG- Posts : 583
Join date : 2011-06-14
Location : Minnesota
Re: week by week
List at the beginning is updated through this last post.
Rob Holecko- Posts : 709
Join date : 2011-06-10
Age : 50
83 week 17 mich at chic ( bost at oak hilites)
mich at chic
white/champ at red/silver
hi lites
Bost at oak
white/gray vs blue/yellow
mich at chic
white/champ at red/silver
hi lites
Bost at oak
white/gray vs blue/yellow
KG- Posts : 583
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Location : Minnesota
1984 week 2 espn big plays 7 of 9 games
NO at oakl
white/gray vs blue/yellow
tb at az
red/silver vs white/copper
den at Oklahoma
white/gold vs black/black
nj at jax
white/white vs maroon/gray
pit at mich
white/gray (no outline on hel) vs maroon/champ
phil at wash
white/gold (no helmet trim) vs green/gray
chic at memph
white/silver vs red/silver looks like stripe on helmet
NO at oakl
white/gray vs blue/yellow
tb at az
red/silver vs white/copper
den at Oklahoma
white/gold vs black/black
nj at jax
white/white vs maroon/gray
pit at mich
white/gray (no outline on hel) vs maroon/champ
phil at wash
white/gold (no helmet trim) vs green/gray
chic at memph
white/silver vs red/silver looks like stripe on helmet
KG- Posts : 583
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Location : Minnesota
84 weeks 5 -7
week 5
mich at houst
white/champ vs black/gray
oklah vs az
black/black vs white/copper
jax at la
white/maroon vs blue/sliver red/blue sox
oak at sa
white/yellow vs blue/gray
denv at meph
white/yellow vs red/gray helmets have stripes
birm at tb
white/white vs red/silver
wash at nj
white/gray at red/white
phil at pit
white/gold vs purple/gray ( no helmet trim either team) believe this was the last week for both teamswith white trim on helmet logo
chic at no
white/gray vs blue/gray
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YA_NBtLiXCs week 6
nj at la (steve young first game)
white/white vs blue gray red/blue sox last game with red/blue sox
no at birm
white/gray vs red/gold
oak at pit
white/white vs purp/gray (white trim on helmet logo going forward)
jax at mem
white/maroon vs red/gray
tb at phil
white/silver vs red/yellow trim is on helmet starting this game
chic at was
white/silver vs green/gray
houst at oklah
white/gray vs black/black
az at den
white/copp vs black/gold
sa at mich
white/gray vs maroon/champ
week 7
pit at no
white/gray at blue/gray
oak at tb
blue/white vs white/gray
sa at chic
white/gray vs red/gray
birm at jax
red/gold vs white/maroon
mich at oklah
white/champ vs black/black
wash at houst
white/gray vs black/gray
la at den
white/gray thick navy stripes on socks going forward vs black/gold
memp at nj
white/gray vs red/white
phil at az
red/gold vs white/copper
week 5
mich at houst
white/champ vs black/gray
oklah vs az
black/black vs white/copper
jax at la
white/maroon vs blue/sliver red/blue sox
oak at sa
white/yellow vs blue/gray
denv at meph
white/yellow vs red/gray helmets have stripes
birm at tb
white/white vs red/silver
wash at nj
white/gray at red/white
phil at pit
white/gold vs purple/gray ( no helmet trim either team) believe this was the last week for both teamswith white trim on helmet logo
chic at no
white/gray vs blue/gray
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YA_NBtLiXCs week 6
nj at la (steve young first game)
white/white vs blue gray red/blue sox last game with red/blue sox
no at birm
white/gray vs red/gold
oak at pit
white/white vs purp/gray (white trim on helmet logo going forward)
jax at mem
white/maroon vs red/gray
tb at phil
white/silver vs red/yellow trim is on helmet starting this game
chic at was
white/silver vs green/gray
houst at oklah
white/gray vs black/black
az at den
white/copp vs black/gold
sa at mich
white/gray vs maroon/champ
week 7
pit at no
white/gray at blue/gray
oak at tb
blue/white vs white/gray
sa at chic
white/gray vs red/gray
birm at jax
red/gold vs white/maroon
mich at oklah
white/champ vs black/black
wash at houst
white/gray vs black/gray
la at den
white/gray thick navy stripes on socks going forward vs black/gold
memp at nj
white/gray vs red/white
phil at az
red/gold vs white/copper
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84 playoffs
NJ at Phil
white/white vs red/gold
Tb at Birm
red/silver vs white/white
Az at Houst
white/copper vs black/silver
Mich at LA
maroon/champ vs white/silver
Birm at Phil
white/white vs red/gold
LA at AZ
blure/silver at white/cooper
already got champ game
NJ at Phil
white/white vs red/gold
Tb at Birm
red/silver vs white/white
Az at Houst
white/copper vs black/silver
Mich at LA
maroon/champ vs white/silver
Birm at Phil
white/white vs red/gold
LA at AZ
blure/silver at white/cooper
already got champ game
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Location : Minnesota
1984 week 9 espn big play 8 of 9 games
phil at sa
white/gold vs blue/ gray
memp at jax
red/silver vs white/maroon
la at chic
white/silver vs red/silver
oklah at birm
white/black vs red/gold
den at no
white/gold vs blue/gray
wash at oakl
white/gray vs blue/gold
az at hous
white/copper vs black/gray
nj at pitts
white/white vs purp/gray
phil at sa
white/gold vs blue/ gray
memp at jax
red/silver vs white/maroon
la at chic
white/silver vs red/silver
oklah at birm
white/black vs red/gold
den at no
white/gold vs blue/gray
wash at oakl
white/gray vs blue/gold
az at hous
white/copper vs black/gray
nj at pitts
white/white vs purp/gray
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Location : Minnesota
1984 week 10 espn
no at phil
white/gray vs red/gold
birm at den
white/white vs black/gold
sa at az
blue/gray vs white/copper
pitt at mem
white/gray vs red/gray
jax at okla
white/maroon vs black black
mich at nj
white/champ vs red/white
wash at tb
white/gray vs red/gray
oak at chic
white/white vs red/silver
la at hous
white/gray vs black/gray
no at phil
white/gray vs red/gold
birm at den
white/white vs black/gold
sa at az
blue/gray vs white/copper
pitt at mem
white/gray vs red/gray
jax at okla
white/maroon vs black black
mich at nj
white/champ vs red/white
wash at tb
white/gray vs red/gray
oak at chic
white/white vs red/silver
la at hous
white/gray vs black/gray
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Location : Minnesota
1984 week 11
tb at jax
red/silver vs white/maroon
pitts at la
purple/gray vs white/gray
az at no
white/copper vs blue/gray
chic at sa
white/silver vs blue/silver
phil at birm
white/gold vs red/gold
oklah at nj
white/black vs red/white
memp at wash
whte/gray vs red/gray
houst at mich
white/gray vs maroon/champ
denv at oak
white/gold vs blue/white
tb at jax
red/silver vs white/maroon
pitts at la
purple/gray vs white/gray
az at no
white/copper vs blue/gray
chic at sa
white/silver vs blue/silver
phil at birm
white/gold vs red/gold
oklah at nj
white/black vs red/white
memp at wash
whte/gray vs red/gray
houst at mich
white/gray vs maroon/champ
denv at oak
white/gold vs blue/white
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Location : Minnesota
Re: week by week
Do you mean
memphis in red/gray and Washington in white/gray?
Rob Holecko- Posts : 709
Join date : 2011-06-10
Age : 50
week 11
memp at washing
Memphis in white jersys gray pants Washington in green jerseys/gray pants
memp at washing
Memphis in white jersys gray pants Washington in green jerseys/gray pants
Last edited by smith03 on Tue Jul 01, 2014 7:11 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Location : Minnesota
1984 philadelphia and pittsburgh helmet logos
starting with week6 is when the teams switch or modify their helmet logo to included the white trim in STARS and around the mauler
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Location : Minnesota
84 week 13 note Denver pants color
Sa at wash
white/gray vs green/gray
birm at chic
red/gold vs white/silver
pitts at nj
white/gray vs red/white
no at tb
blue/gray vs white/gray
mich at la
maroon/champ vs white/silver
Den at Az
black/white vs white/cooper
9 minute mark of video short hi lights but Denver is wearing white pants in 84
jax at phil
white/maroon vs red/gold
oklaho at hous
white/black vs black/gray
memp at oak
white/gray vs blue/white
Sa at wash
white/gray vs green/gray
birm at chic
red/gold vs white/silver
pitts at nj
white/gray vs red/white
no at tb
blue/gray vs white/gray
mich at la
maroon/champ vs white/silver
Den at Az
black/white vs white/cooper
9 minute mark of video short hi lights but Denver is wearing white pants in 84
jax at phil
white/maroon vs red/gold
oklaho at hous
white/black vs black/gray
memp at oak
white/gray vs blue/white
Last edited by KG on Tue May 03, 2016 10:26 am; edited 1 time in total
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Location : Minnesota
1985 missing playoffs (denv at memp)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuPYlSYwMy4 at 19 seconds hi lites of Denver at Memphis
Denver at memp
black/white vs white/ gray
Denver at memp
black/white vs white/ gray
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Location : Minnesota
1984 week 14 note jax white jersey silver pants ( not currently noted)
tb at memp
white/gray vs red/gray
houst at jax
black/gray vs white/silver
denv at sa
white/yellow vs blue gray
nj at chi
red/white vs white /silver
wash at pitt
white/gray vs purple/gray
Oakland at Oklahoma
white/white vs black/black
phil at mich
white/gold vs maroon/champ
birm at no
white/white vs blue/gray
az at la
white/copper vs blue/silver
tb at memp
white/gray vs red/gray
houst at jax
black/gray vs white/silver
denv at sa
white/yellow vs blue gray
nj at chi
red/white vs white /silver
wash at pitt
white/gray vs purple/gray
Oakland at Oklahoma
white/white vs black/black
phil at mich
white/gold vs maroon/champ
birm at no
white/white vs blue/gray
az at la
white/copper vs blue/silver
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Location : Minnesota
LA 84 socks
week 1-6 blue and red stripes
week 7 -playoffs thick navy stripes
week 7 -playoffs thick navy stripes
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Location : Minnesota
1984 week 15
chica at Oklahoma
red/silver vs black/black (color v color)
no at mem
whte/gray vs red/gray
az at birm
white/copper vs red/gold
jax at oak
white/SILVER vs blue/white
nj at tb
red/white vs white/silver
mich at sa
maroon/champ vs white/gray
la at wash
white/silver vs green/silver
pitts at philly
white/gray vs red/glod
houst at denv
white/gray vs black/yellow
chica at Oklahoma
red/silver vs black/black (color v color)
no at mem
whte/gray vs red/gray
az at birm
white/copper vs red/gold
jax at oak
white/SILVER vs blue/white
nj at tb
red/white vs white/silver
mich at sa
maroon/champ vs white/gray
la at wash
white/silver vs green/silver
pitts at philly
white/gray vs red/glod
houst at denv
white/gray vs black/yellow
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Location : Minnesota
1984 week 16
no at nj
white/gray vs red/white
chi at houst
white/silver vs black/;silver
mich at oak
white/champ vs blue/white
no at nj
white/gray vs red/white
chi at houst
white/silver vs black/;silver
mich at oak
white/champ vs blue/white
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Location : Minnesota
1984 week 17 espn
den at nj
white/gold vs red/white
wash at phil
white/gray at red/gold
az at chic (George Allen and friends comes home)
white/copper vs red/silver
oak at la
white/white vs blue/silver
jac at no
white/maroon vs blue/gray
birm at mem
white/white vs red/silver
tb at pitt
white/gray vs purple/gray
SA at Hous
white/gray vs black/gray
oklah at mich
white/black at maroon/champ
den at nj
white/gold vs red/white
wash at phil
white/gray at red/gold
az at chic (George Allen and friends comes home)
white/copper vs red/silver
oak at la
white/white vs blue/silver
jac at no
white/maroon vs blue/gray
birm at mem
white/white vs red/silver
tb at pitt
white/gray vs purple/gray
SA at Hous
white/gray vs black/gray
oklah at mich
white/black at maroon/champ
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Location : Minnesota
1984 week 18
no at wash
white/gray vs green/gray
tb at birm
red/gray vs white/white
no at wash
white/gray vs green/gray
tb at birm
red/gray vs white/white
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83, 84, 85 schedules
week by week schedules, scores location tv
http://www.oursportscentral.com/usfl/1984season.php includes preseason
http://www.oursportscentral.com/usfl/1985season.php includes preseason
http://www.oursportscentral.com/usfl/1984season.php includes preseason
http://www.oursportscentral.com/usfl/1985season.php includes preseason
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84 weeks 3 and 4
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUC45-e1WIs week 3
hi lites
jack at tb
white/maroon vs red/silver
mich at den
white/champ at black/gold
memp at no
white/silver vs blue/silver
stripe on mem helmets
phil at nj
white/gold vs red/white
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SrLIVoaRuI week 4
nj at hous
white/white vs black/silver
hi lites
jack at tb
white/maroon vs red/silver
mich at den
white/champ at black/gold
memp at no
white/silver vs blue/silver
stripe on mem helmets
phil at nj
white/gold vs red/white
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SrLIVoaRuI week 4
nj at hous
white/white vs black/silver
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84 week 1 the rest
phil at mem
white/gold vs red/silver no stripe on helmet (mem)
den at la
white/gold vs blue silver (red/blue stripe sox)
houst at tb
black/gray vs white/gray
no at sa
white/gray vs blue/gray
oak at az
blue/yellow vs white/cooper
wash at jax
white/gray vs maroon/gray
chic at mich
white/gray vs maroon/champ
phil at mem
white/gold vs red/silver no stripe on helmet (mem)
den at la
white/gold vs blue silver (red/blue stripe sox)
houst at tb
black/gray vs white/gray
no at sa
white/gray vs blue/gray
oak at az
blue/yellow vs white/cooper
wash at jax
white/gray vs maroon/gray
chic at mich
white/gray vs maroon/champ
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1983 week 3 oak at mich
oak mich
white/white vs maroon/champ/ ( silver helmts?)
oak mich
white/white vs maroon/champ/ ( silver helmts?)
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1984 week 18
oak at den
white/white vs black/gold
mem at houst
white/gray vs black/gray
oak at den
white/white vs black/gold
mem at houst
white/gray vs black/gray
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1983 week 18 NJ at Bost
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7lvs1qjgrU at approx. 45 minutes hi lites of game
NJ at Bost
red/white vs white/gray
NJ at Bost
red/white vs white/gray
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1985 week 7
stars at La
red/gold vs white /gray
oakl at port
white/white vs blue/silver
Oakland stripe sox
mem at Orlando
white/silver vs blue/white
birm at sa
red/gold vs white/silver
houst at nj
white/silver vs red/white
jax at tb
white/maroon (stripe sox) vs red/silver
Az at den
white/copper vs black/white
stars at La
red/gold vs white /gray
oakl at port
white/white vs blue/silver
Oakland stripe sox
mem at Orlando
white/silver vs blue/white
birm at sa
red/gold vs white/silver
houst at nj
white/silver vs red/white
jax at tb
white/maroon (stripe sox) vs red/silver
Az at den
white/copper vs black/white
Last edited by smith03 on Thu Jul 03, 2014 10:47 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : noted oak sox choice)
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1985 week 17
nj at oak
white/white vs blue/white
26 minutes
jax at mem
white/silver (stripe sox) vs red/silver
nj at oak
white/white vs blue/white
26 minutes
jax at mem
white/silver (stripe sox) vs red/silver
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