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amount of color showing on teams socks early 1980s

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amount of color showing on teams socks early 1980s Empty amount of color showing on teams socks early 1980s

Post  KG Sat Jul 19, 2014 4:27 pm

I notice on most the NFL teams from 1982 to say around 87 images on the site show a lot of color and only a little bit of white socks, yet after looking thru a lot of usfl video and even nfl videos from the era it seems a lot of the players especially receivers and running backs wore the white part of the socks high, just an observation

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amount of color showing on teams socks early 1980s Empty an example

Post  KG Sat Jul 19, 2014 4:40 pm


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amount of color showing on teams socks early 1980s Empty Re: amount of color showing on teams socks early 1980s

Post  timmyb Sun Jul 20, 2014 9:12 am

We are aware of it. But we do want to show clearly the striping pattern on the socks for the teams that had them in the said era.

We definitely do plan on making adjustments to the teams in question to better reflect the era. But - as of now - it is not a priority.


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amount of color showing on teams socks early 1980s Empty Re: amount of color showing on teams socks early 1980s

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